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Newsletter >May 2010 Vol. 1 Issue 12


With spring in full swing we hope you find yourself out and about more and more and enjoying the great outdoors. Whether it is a sunrise or sunset stroll, preparing and planting your garden bed, rejuvenating your yard, attending outdoor events, farmers markets, etc., we hope you are finding ways to stay active and fit that are within your limits, but which take you to the fullness of those limits. Maybe you are making travel plans (half the fun of the actual vacation) that will lead you to destinations where you will take walking tours or provide you with healthy and active recreation. Or perhaps you are volunteering to coordinate outdoor activities for youth or coaching/playing in an organized sport. These are all ways to keep fit and active and can be driven by your own natural affinities and pleasures.

By choosing activities with which we make pleasurable associations, we set ourselves up for success.  On the other hand, if we adopt an exercise regimen that is prescribed by someone else, and it does not take into account our preferences for the types and nature of activities and exercises we generally enjoy, we are likely setting ourselves up for a short-lived commitment.  We may quickly find the regimen to be uninteresting and unsatisfying, and simply regard it as a taxing and not terribly welcome chore, or in the worst case we may well come to dread it.

When contemplating becoming more physically active, don't psyche yourself out by assuming you need to be training for a marathon in order for the effort to be worthwhile.  This mind set will no doubt leave you thinking, "I can't do it-- It's too hard--So what's the use?"  Instead think, "Something is better than nothing--I've got to start somewhere--Now, what do I like to do that gets me up and moving?"  If nothing comes to mind immediately or easily, maybe it's time for you to challenge yourself to develop a new pastime, activity or hobby.  Surely there is some kind of activity that you once thought that you would like to try doing--"If only I had the time."  Maybe now you have the time--so bye bye to that impediment/excuse--which then begs the question, "So what are you waiting for?!"  You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have, relatively quickly, developed a new interest along with some welcome health benefits. 

More and more studies suggest that just 20-30 minutes of brisk walking per day can pay excellent physical and mental health dividends.  Most of us have experienced and understand the physical demands and sensations associated with a relatively short but brisk walk.  This should allow you to assess whether your own chosen activity leaves you feeling roughly the same way, and if that is the case, then you can be assured you are receiving worthwhile health benefits.  Once your body has adjusted to the new activity you can consider extending the duration and intensity of the activity to continue adding additional health benefits.  Always consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine to make sure the activities that you are considering are within your limits and do not pose any unforeseen dangers.  Your doctor may wish to give you alternative suggestions for activities that are more compatible with your current physical condition and may want to suggest a reasonable duration  from which to start your new routine and upon which you can continue to build.

For some, a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen, on their own, may not be enough to prevent or improve certain circulatory and cardio vascular problems, as well as many other related conditions. For those people, Cardio Renew may be the additional component that is needed to restore you to wellness and help you to maintain your good health.

Enjoy the remaining outdoor rejuvenation that is unfolding before your eyes, as it is quite possibly the most beautiful and inspiring attribute of the season. 

Wishing You Good Health and Vitality,

P.S. As always, we value your feedback, so please feel free to send any questions or comments to: newsletter@cardiorenew.com


How I Learned to Lower Cholesterol Through Diet in 1 Hour

By Guest Writer Deborah Land

Cholesterol Truths -  Good and Bad 

There are actually two types of cholesterol, which is not a known fact for people who misconstrue it as something bad. HDL is the name of the good cholesterol, while the bad one is called LDL. A bloodstream with too much LDL will result in plaques in the arteries. Over time, blood will have a difficult time travelling your arteries because the opening becomes narrow thanks to the amount of bad cholesterol in it. Dietary cholesterol is not the culprit for your having high cholesterol in the blood. Rather, it is copious amounts of saturated fat along with Tran's fat that is to blame for the tightening of the artery. To keep your cholesterol on the low level, you should eat plenty of unsaturated fats and fibrous foods, as well as exercise often.

Cholesterol Numbers and What They Mean 

Every adult should have their cholesterol checked at least every 5 years. When you get a cholesterol test, you'll usually get back four different results. Here are the 4 categories and the healthy range you want to be in.

If you are over or under the desired level on any category, it is usually indicative that a diet or exercise change is needed.

Protecting Your Heart with Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important vitamin found in leafy vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils.  Studies suggest that a diet rich in vitamin E can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Lowering Cholesterol with these Five Foods

  1. Oatmeal and Oat Bran: These contain a high amount of soluble fiber, which can lower LDL. For the highest fiber content per serving, look for steel cut oats like the John McCann's brand, which is available in most supermarkets. These oats are the whole grain variety and are less processed and contain more fiber than other name brands containing the flattened version of the grain.
  2. Fish: Fish is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, which lowers LDL and raises HDL. In the left pane of the newsletter you will find an additional article about the surprisingly high omega 3 content found in sardines, along with a few tasty recipes.
  3. Nuts: Not only are nuts high in fiber, but they contain the healthy fats you need to keep LDL in check.
  4. Plant Sterols: This is found in foods like margarine, salad dressing, orange juice, and functional cookies. 2 grams per day will lower your LDL by 10-15%.
  5. Soy: This popular meat replacement can lower LDL by up to 3%.

Benefits Aplenty with Plant Sterols  

Granola bars, Benecol Spread, fat free milk and VitaTops Muffin tops are great food sources that also have a great amount of plant sterols in them. If you want to assist your heart, you can do so by eating foods rich in plant sterols and staying away from saturated fat-rich foods, especially trans fats. It can't, however, cancel out a diet loaded with saturated fats. To keep your cholesterol in check and make sure it stays down, you must exercise often and eat healthy.

Deborah Land writes for the "Cholesterol Lowering Diet Blog", which is her personal hobby blog focused on tips to eat healthy to prevent high cholesterol.  You can find more cholesterol lowering tips and articles by visiting her blog at:



Sardines are one of the healthiest foods we can consume, according to the health and environmental experts at "Sea Change".  These days so many of us are trying to get more omega-3 fats in our diet, because they benefit your heart and your brain. (Click here for delicious recipes to help you eat more of these super-healthy omega-3 fats.) As it turns out, sardines are nutritional powerhouses and are one of the best sources of omega-3 fats, with a whopping 1,950 mg/per 3 oz. (that's more per serving than salmon, tuna or just about any other food) and they're packed with vitamin D. And because sardines are small and low on the food chain, they don't harbor lots of toxins like bigger fish can. Plus, they're also one of the most sustainable fish around. Quick to reproduce, Pacific sardines have rebounded from both overfishing and a natural collapse in the 1940's, so much so that they are one of Seafood Watch's "Super Green" sustainable choices. (Click here to find out which 6 super-healthy fish and shellfish you should eat and which 6 to avoid.)

If you're trying sardines for the first time, or you just really want to learn to like them, here are a few tips and a few recipes that may help you make the leap to becoming a sardine eater, if not lover:

Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health Fact Sheet

Cardio Renew Inc. is a family owned and operated company located in Minnesota.  Cardio Renew was developed to offer you safe, effective and economical oral liquid EDTA chelation programs.  Our #1 goal is to provide you quality products at an affordable price, while supplying the great customer service that you need and deserve.Here are a few items that we feel are important to the success of your oral chelation program:

We believe in our products and programs and sincerely care about our customers. We truly feel that Cardio Renew can improve your health and therefore the quality of your life.

Recent News and Additional Reading

Click on the link and it will take you to the corresponding article:

Quick List of High Blood Pressure Risk Factors You Can Control

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Required Disclaimer: The statements made about our product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this site are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Cardio Renew is NOT intended for use by children. Do NOT use if you have Liver or Kidney disease. Do NOT use if you are Pregnant or Nursing. Read more...

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