C & E Soft-Gels
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is considered one of the most ubiquitous vitamins ever discovered. Like Vitamin E, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It protects cells against damage from free radicals by donating one of its own electrons, ending a free radical chain reaction. With free radical production reduced, it allows the arteries time to heal. A primary function of Vitamin C is to assist in the production of collagen, although it is rapidly becoming identified as a key player in detoxifying the body from foreign substances. Rose hips are a well known source of Vitamin C and have been used for centuries as a valuable source of nutrients and for their therapeutic properties. Rose hips provide a natural form of Vitamin C and is said to contain 20 times more Vitamin C than oranges and are also great anti-oxidants.
Vitamin E
Next to Vitamin C, Vitamin E has probably received the most attention from researchers and is probably the next most important vitamin. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and helps prevent oxidation of lipoproteins, which reduces stickiness of platelets in the bloodstream. Vitamin E also helps support the integrity of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissues and organs throughout the body. Vitamin E keeps arteries flexible and elastic, allowing blood to flow freely. D-alpha-tocopherol is considered to have the highest biological activity, because it is continually being recycled by the liver. A mixture of the entire family of tocopherols, which are composed of d-alpha, d-gamma, d-delta and d-beta-tocopherol have been shown to enhance the overall antioxidant status of the supplement.
Vitamins C & E Combined
Vitamin E acts much like Vitamin C by donating itself to a hostile free radical so it no longer acts as a threat. Vitamin E however, is more advanced. Once Vitamin E has freely given its services to your cells, it is regenerated by Vitamin C to defend and protect other cells. The healing powers of Vitamin E supplements are often merged with those of Vitamin C, a sister antioxidant that actually increases the effectiveness of Vitamin E. This makes vitamins E and C a great combination, particularly during our 6 week Cleanse .