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Limited Time Special Offer We at Cardio Renew understand that these are difficult times for everyone. As a token of our appreciation for you, our customers, we are including 1 FREE BOTTLE OF CARDIO RENEW with the purchase of every Foundation Package. We thank you for your continued support.
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Required Disclaimer: The statements made about our product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this site are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease.

Newsletter > June 2009 Vol. 1 Issue 2


The advent of summer is quickly upon us and with it, our most vibrant season for harvesting food. We encourage you to take advantage of produce grown locally and to support farmers' markets. Buy organic whenever possible and affordable. These actions support your local economy and contribute to your good health. Most farmers' market growers offer recipes on how to use less commonly used produce like kale, which has the distinction of residing towards the top of the food chain in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Along with the dietary bonuses of summer, take advantage of recreational activities that are made possible by the season: walk, jog, ride a bike, swim, go to festivals, garden, landscape, enter competitions for all ages, volunteer for work projects that benefit your community or others near and far. Send us other summer activities that you feel contribute to your good health; we'll make sure to share them!

Finally, take the time to enjoy family and friends. Summer is a great time to attend or arrange a family or class reunion. Bottom line, do things that contribute to your physical and emotional well being. Summer is the perfect time to RENEW!

Wishing You Good Health and Vitality,

P.S. As always, we value your feedback, so please feel free to send any questions or comments to: newsletter@cardiorenew.com


Cardio Vascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease, or CVD for short, includes Coronary Heart Disease or diseases of the arteries (Arteriosclerosis, including hardening of the arteries, or Atherosclerosis), Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction), Arrhythmias, Congestive Heart Disease, Stroke, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Rheumatic Heart Disease and other dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Each year, heart disease is at the top of the list of the country's most serious health problems. In fact, statistics show that cardiovascular disease is America's leading health problem, and the leading cause of death. Consider these statistics released by the American Heart Association (AHA):

At least 80,700,000 people in this country suffer from some form of heart disease. One person in three suffers from some form of cardiovascular disease, including:

We, at Cardio Renew, are committed to renewing and restoring better health to every person who learns of and purchases our products. If we don't contribute to your well being and good health, just send back the bottles (empty, opened or sealed) that you purchased and we will refund your money within the 90 day trial period--No questions asked!

We encourage you to take other proactive steps towards your heart health that, in conjunction with your Cardio Renew regimen, can help you not only to enjoy better health, but to thrive.

In addition to the summer diet and nutrition ideas mentioned above, also consider doing, or not doing other things that can greatly improve your heart and overall health.

If you smoke, consider one of many smoking cessation programs that are now available. Some research now suggests that moderate intake of red wine (one to two 6oz glasses per day) may actually contribute to a healthier heart, but do not be misled into thinking that consuming any kind of alcohol in excess has health benefits. To the contrary, excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading contributors to high blood pressure. Indentify stress factors in your life and consider ways to lessen them.

Though heredity is another leading indicator of certain heart conditions, and over which we have no control, many other factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease are things that we can identify and address. Let Cardio Renew be just one of the things that you can do to address your heart health issues head on. You can do it!

Cardio Renew Inc. is a family owned and operated company located in Minnesota. Cardio Renew was developed to offer you safe, effective and economical oral liquid EDTA chelation programs. Our #1 goal is to provide you quality products at an affordable price, while supplying the great customer service that you need and deserve.Here are a few items that we feel are important to the success of your oral chelation program:

We believe in our products and programs and sincerely care about our customers. We truly feel that Cardio Renew can improve your health and therefore the quality of your life.

Top 5 Most Nutritious Fruits

First identify the elements you need. Maybe the list should be called "Fruit Salad". Consider this:

Guava is high in Vitamin C but not in potassium, which is richly present in papaya and banana. Mango is great for Vitamin A.

Many propose avocados to be the most nutritious fruits on the planet. The Guinness Book of World Records also says so. Some experts believe that berries, packed with anti-oxidants are the most nutritious, but other experts also suggest that the kiwi and the guava deserve the title better. The results are debatable but these are 15 of the most commonly mentioned most nutritious fruits.

  1. Avocados are said to be such a treasure-trove of nutrients. They contain more than 25 essential vitamins and minerals. It has Vitamins A, B, C and E. They also supply lutein, copper, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It has more fiber, folate, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin than any other fruit. It's also one of the few fruits that have monounsaturated (good) fats.
  2. Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin A and C. It's a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, B3, dietary fiber and folate. It contains the largest amount of digestive enzymes of any fruit, surpassing papayas and mangoes. These marvelous melons are recommended by the American Cancer Society as healthful agents in the battle against intestinal cancer and melanoma. Cantaloupes are a source of polyphenol antioxidants, chemicals which are known to provide certain health benefits to the cardiovascular system and immune system.
  3. Berries are 80-90% water. They are known as antioxidant powerhouse. They are low in sodium, high in potassium, insoluble fiber (cellulose), soluble fiber (pectin). The antioxidants like vitamin A and E are highest in berry fruits. They also have flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, and lignans, these compounds have many positive effects on overall health, but recent studies focus on the benefits of anthocyanosides, of which berries are good sources. Blueberries, strawberries, acaiberries and wolfberries are among the most nutritious in this fruit group,
  4. Grapefruit Loaded with vitamin C and carotenoids, good amount of fiber of the cholesterol lowering type, pectin, plus it contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, terpenes, and limonoids. Studies have shown grapefruit helps lower cholesterol and there is evidence that the seeds have high levels of antioxidant properties. Grapefruit forms a core part of the "grapefruit diet", the theory being that the fruit's low glycemic index is able to help the body's metabolism burn fat.
  5. Guava Some researchers say that guava is in fact the most nutritious fruit. Guavas are high in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, vitamin B3 and G4 and polyunsaturated fatty acids especially the seeds. It has four times the amount of vitamin C in orange, has good levels of the dietary minerals, potassium, magnesium, and an otherwise broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients. Guavas contain both major classes of antioxidant pigments -- carotenoids and polyphenols. Guavas that are red, yellow or orange in color have more potential value as antioxidant sources than unpigmented species.

Honorble Mention:

  1. Apples
  2. Oranges
  3. Watermellon
  4. Papaya
  5. Kiwi
  6. Bananas
  7. Prunes
  8. Figs
  9. Dates
  10. Mangoes
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Required Disclaimer: The statements made about our product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this site are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Cardio Renew is NOT intended for use by children. Do NOT use if you have Liver or Kidney disease. Do NOT use if you are Pregnant or Nursing. Read more...

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