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Newsletter > January 2010 Vol. 1 Issue 8


The New Year is upon us and we generally welcome it as a comforting, kind, reliable, supportive and inspiring friend. It does not celebrate a central historical figure or event, or a certain category of people, such as mothers, fathers, laborers or veterans of war. It does not carry any specific religious conotation. It is simply a marker of time; of one year ending and another just begun. Yet we ascribe a great deal of power and promise to the beginning and end of this 365 day cycle, which is done most notably through the trans-cultural ritual that we typically refer to as the "New Year's Resolution."

The tradition of the New Year's resolution dates all the way back to 153 B.C. when Janus, a mythical king of early Rome, was placed at the head of the calendar. With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked for forgiveness from their enemies and also exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year.

The New Year has not always begun on January 1, and it doesn't begin on that date everywhere today. It begins on that date only for cultures that use a 365-day solar calendar. January 1 became the beginning of the New Year in 46 B.C., when Julius Caesar developed a calendar that would more accurately reflect the seasons than previous calendars had. The Romans named the first month of the year after Janus (January). At midnight on December 31, the Romans imagined Janus looking back at the old year and forward to the new.

Today we make New Year's resolutions to try to improve some aspect of ourselves in the coming year. Popular resolutions include quitting smoking, losing weight, exercising and getting out of debt. Whatever you resolve to improve this year, be the one in five who commits to one that you stick to and can truly make a difference in your life. In addition to any health related resolutions that you make this year, we ask you to commit six weeks to our Foundation Chelation Program to receive a thorough cleansing of your arteries and veins. After completing the six week program, we offer a maintenance regimen that will help to ensure that the health benefits you have received continue onward.

Wishing You Good Health, Vitality,

P.S. As always, we value your feedback, so please feel free to send any questions or comments to: newsletter@cardiorenew.com


Alternative Treatment to Angioplasty

Every year, more than one million angioplasties are performed in the US, whether after a heart attack; to improve symptoms of coronary artery disease; or to prevent other related illnesses. Up to 30% of heart attack patients are fitted with stents every year. The angioplasty procedure is relatively simple, and can take as little as an hour to perform, depending on the number of blockages and their locations. Multiple stents can be placed as well. However, the cost of an angioplasty and its related aftercare is often upwards of $25,000.

That's where alternative treatments step in.  A recent article published in The New York Times says that drugs may be a viable alternative.  Here are a few highlights:

A new study by Dutch cardiologists finds that another option is just as effective (as angioplasty). Doctors can give patients powerful clot-dissolving drugs and drugs to lower their cholesterol and wait to see whether the chest pains go away. If they do, no angioplasty is necessary.

The results were a surprise even to the researchers, and they are so different from the standard procedures that some leading cardiologists say they do not expect them to change medical practice in the United States, at least not yet. But, these cardiologists say, the study was well done and the patients had state-of-the-art care.

"I really can't criticize it," said Dr. Eric J. Topol, chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and one of those who does not expect many doctors to change their ways.

"This study should be a bit of a wake-up call.  Perhaps angioplasty and stenting everyone early and aggressively is a runaway freight train. This study would suggest that we perhaps reassess the situation,"  said Dr. William E. Boden, director of cardiology at Hartford Hospital, who wrote an editorial accompanying the paper. "Why subject everyone to a procedure they may not benefit from?" he asked.

Cardio Renew is a safe, effective oral chelation treatment that can also help your body to remove harmful plaque buildup and keep blood vessels clear. The EDTA in Cardio Renew binds the calcium in the plaque, allowing the body to eliminate it more easily. Plaque buildups are then softer and easier for the body to remove. To keep blood vessels blockage-free, this chelation therapy can be taken as part of your daily, heart healthy routine.

Why Oral EDTA Chelation is so Effective in Preventing Heart Disease

EDTA chelation therapy helps to clear blockages in veins and arteries, which goes a long way in preventing heart disease.  EDTA "grabs" a number of unwanted substances that can cause LDL Cholesterol plaque buildup and free radical damage from the cardiovascular system, renders them harmless, and prepares them for excretion through the urine. Oral Chelation is a natural process that cleanses arteries and veins, and at the same time, detoxifies the liver and kidneys.

It is generally understood that EDTA Chelation therapy is effective when taken orally or intravenously. With oral chelation, it passes unaffected through the stomach and is then directly absorbed through duodenum epithelium cells. EDTA is not affected by gastric juices or the stomach; in fact, EDTA (as well as all amino acids of the free form variety) are not inhibited by the digestive process, while entering into the bloodstream. EDTA are molecules small enough to immediately enter the bloodstream, which is why they are also used effectively in intravenous solution. In other words, EDTA (as well as all free form amino acids) will pass unaltered and unharmed into the duodenum, where the molecules then are assimilated directly into the bloodstream.

Often misunderstood is the fact that stomach acidity has nothing whatsoever to do with the digestion of proteins, which all takes place via enzymatic reaction later in the duodenum, and that orally consumed Free Form Amino Acids are likewise not affected. In fact, the pH of the stomach when secreting HCL is generally around 3.0 (note: EDTA in solution may exhibit a pH of 4.0 all on its own), which has absolutely no affect on the molecular bonds of Free Form Amino Acids (including EDTA) and thus, cannot and will not destroy them. 

By removing toxins and heavy metals from the body and increasing blood flow, liquid oral chelation therapy from Cardio Renew can assist in relieving a variety of ailments and in preventing heart disease.

Cardio Renew Inc. is a family owned and operated company located in Minnesota.  Cardio Renew was developed to offer you safe, effective and economical oral liquid EDTA chelation programs.  Our #1 goal is to provide you quality products at an affordable price, while supplying the great customer service that you need and deserve.Here are a few items that we feel are important to the success of your oral chelation program:

We believe in our products and programs and sincerely care about our customers. We truly feel that Cardio Renew can improve your health and therefore the quality of your life.

Unique/Alternative New Year's Resolutions

Common New Year's Resolutions, such as weight loss, quitting a bad habit, spending time with family, and saving money/reducing debt, are common resolutions that tend to dominate our lists.  While all of these are areas for important  personal growth and improvement, there are resolutions that you can commit to that are directed toward outward actions that are focused on improving the lives of others.  As an alternative, consider these unique New Year's resolution ideas, most of which focus on what you can do to improve the quality of life of others, which in so doing, will ultimately improve the quality of your own:

Weekly Card Giving: Begin a list of the people you interact with on a regular basis. For most people, identifying 52 individuals is not difficult to do. From church members, to your local postal carrier, to a co-worker or custodial worker, begin listing all of the individuals who provide a service to you at some point during the year. From this list of 52 individuals, begin sending a card each week of the year as a way of expressing gratitude for their service and care. To save money, while at the same time adding a personal touch, make your own cards.

Donate One Item to Charity per Month: Most of us can locate 12 items we consider of little value in our homes. Items we may no longer use, wear or even items we keep stored away. Each month, on the first day, gather one unused item and make a trip to a local charitable organization for donation. In doing so, you may find, after several months, that more than one item is donated each month. Don't forget your charitable tax deduction slip!

Donate Two Hours to Charity Per Month: Charities all over the country rely upon citizens of the community to support and serve the cause. As a New Year's Resolution, pick a regular and consistent day of the month to participate in local charity volunteer service. For example, you may choose the third Saturday of each month. Find a local charitable organization in need of assistance and make a commitment to work two hours on a specified day of the month. In doing so, you will provide support to the organization and your community.  Let the organization know of any specials skills that you possess, such as being bilingual, good computer skills, bookeeping experience, etc.

Bake For Your Neighbor: In every neighborhood there is a senior adult living alone. In some neighborhoods, independent senior adults are seeded throughout an entire area. As a friendly neighbor, identify one or two senior adults who reside alone and pick a day each month to share baked goods with them. Prior to doing so, inquire of any health concerns, dietary restrictions, or allergies.  Also inquier about any special interests, so that you may integrate a theme relating to their unique interests. Prepare baked items based on the senior adults health needs and prepare neat gift bags with activity based items which may strengthen memory skills such as word problems or search and find game books.

This New Year's, consider establishing resolutions that contribute to your community and to the people who service and bless your life. Rather than focusing on personal goals, focus on paying forward a token of kindness. In doing so, you may find your New Year's Resolution will become a positive new habit and a tradition for many New Year's to come.

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Required Disclaimer: The statements made about our product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this site are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Cardio Renew is NOT intended for use by children. Do NOT use if you have Liver or Kidney disease. Do NOT use if you are Pregnant or Nursing. Read more...

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